How to Donate

Donate to the Viridian Foundation

Your donation will help support charities focussed on mental health, healthcare and medical research, homelessness, the environment, and family and domestic violence.

To contribute, follow the options below. 

All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible, and you will receive a tax receipt. 

Contact with your donation request

Call 03 8559 3301 to make an enquiry

Setting up a Sub-fund

The Viridian Foundation, being a public ancillary fund, can offer individuals and families the ability to open a sub-fund account (also known as a giving account) within the infrastructure of the Viridian Foundation. It is a simple, flexible and tax-efficient giving structure to invest, grow and give money to approved charities you want the support in the future.


It is important to note a Sub-fund is not a separate fund; they are a sub-account within the Viridian Foundation and are controlled by the trustee of the Viridian Foundation. A sub-fund can be opened with a minimum donation amount of $25,000.


To find out more, click here or the button below.


Click below to enquire with the Viridian Foundation